Providing real solutions for real business challenges. Welcome to FNF UNPLUGGED, Season Four. Conversations with professionals across the country. Exploring business topics, and empowering personal growth in real estate, financial services and the title insurance industry. FNF UNPLUGGED is a National Agency Operations Production. This podcast is being provided for informational purposes only. The podcast is not a comprehensive overview of the subject and is not intended to provide legal or financial advice, or an endorsement of any product or business. The views expressed by podcast guests are their own and their appearance on the podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent including Fidelity National Financial or its directors. Please seek legal or financial advice before taking any action on the matters or products discussed herein.
Aftershocks for the Real Estate Profession as the Missouri Verdict Rocks the Industry
The dust hasn't settled, and likely won't for several years, but one thing appears to be certain: The real estate industry as we know is about to change dramatically, particularly for buyers agents. The impact of Missouri's Sitzer-Burnett verdict will also be felt by lenders and title agents. In this timely episode, FNF's Chuck Cain calls on real estate industry veteran Arthur Sterbcow, who offers candid takes on the verdict, and how his forecast for the future of the real estate profession.